
Growth through people

Red paper #1

Stress, worry & anxiety: Red Paper No1

At the top of our lockdown list was to put together our first ‘white paper’, or, as we wanted to call it…

…our Red Paper.

So, fueled by our fascination with the amygdala, Issue No 1 was born.

Aptly called ‘Toilet Roll Syndrome: A tale of two amygdala! Part 1’ it covers the impact of these almond-sized areas of the brain on our behaviour. Specifically in this issue, we cover worry, stress, and anxiety – something that has touched all our lives during lockdown.

What’s the link between toilet paper and the amygdala?

The COVID-19 outbreak had an almost immediate effect on toilet paper all over the world. To some, the stockpiling of toilet paper will seem bizarre. To others, it was essential.

The Amygdala

If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.