The (not so) Small Print

Privacy & cookie policy


We will explain these and all the other areas where privacy is concerned – outlining both our and your obligations, and requirements – and detail how we store data and protect your personal information.

If anything is unclear, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


ST‑AND (“We” and “Us”) is owned by Steve Andrews and registered under the Companies Act, 2008 (South Africa) as ST‑AND Brand & People Development (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2014/132014/07.


Like the majority of the other websites you visit, this site uses cookies to help us improve its performance and your experience.

Cookies (also referred to as HTTP cookies or Browser Cookies) are small text files that are stored in your browser.

They are generated by the server which hosts the site you visit, and are used by that server again whenever you visit the same site from the same browser.


_gid1 dayIdentifies how many visitors, how they arrived at the site (e.g. search engine, link etc.), and what pages were visited – it’s completely anonymous.
_ga2 yearsA Universal Analytics cookie used to store a unique identifier (a randomly generated number) used by Google Analytics servers to calculate user, session, and campaign data.
_gatSessionUsed to throttle the request rate back to Google Analytics servers.


You can usually switch cookies off by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies.

However this will limit the functionality of our site and a large proportion of the other websites you visit as cookies are a standard part of most modern websites.


If the settings of the browser you are using to view this website are set to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of our website, as your consent to our use of cookies.



‘Contact Us’ buttons are located throughout our site. Clicking on one of these buttons will open up a new email addressed to us in your usual email programme. For your convenience the subject line will also be pre-populated depending on which section of the site the contact button was placed.

We only use your email address for the purpose it was intended – to reply with an answer to your query. We DO NOT and WILL NOT sell, rent or share your email address.


Depending on the promotion, our sign-up form will require your first name, last name and email address, together with other details relevant to the promotional activity, such as your the company you work and your role. Please check the terms and conditions for each promotion for further information.

We use MailChimp to manage our promotional data. This enables us to use a double opt-in process to verify your email address, and offer additional security and privacy to your information. MailChimp will NOT, under any circumstances, sell your information, contact you directly, market to you or share your information with any other party, unless they’re required to do so by law.

Similarly we will only use your information for the purpose it was provided. We DO NOT and WILL NOT sell, rent or share your details. Depending on the type of promotion, you may also receive further promotional/newsletter mailings from us.

To unsubscribe simply click on unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email and follow the instructions. This will delete your details from distribution list.


Steve Signature Full
boxilla_1 day to 1 yearWe use scroll-triggered boxes on various pages throughout our site for subscription to our *Viewpoint newsletter and promotion of various site content. This cookie enables us to hide the box for a variable duration, depending on it’s content and your interaction with the site. For example if you subscribe to our newsletter, you won’t see a message box asking you to subscribe again!.
mc4wp_subscribed1 yearWe use MailChimp to manage our promotional data. This plugin tells us that you have subscribed so we don’t need to show you the sign-up form in our blog navigation.
wfvt_SessionGroups page views together for the duration of a visit, part of our site’s security system.